Organizational Consulting

Cross-sectoral facilitation, navigation of systems, bridging gaps, and elevating current offerings. Support for school boards, community agencies, children’s treatment networks, health providers, and more. Collaborative partnerships with Non-profit and For-Profit Organizations.

Neurodiverse services and supports are not an easy pathway to navigate. Over our 25 years in the field of disability services we realized that the key is community networks, collaboration, and partnerships.

We have had the pleasure of working in several different regions and have collaborated with many school boards, community agencies, children’s treatment networks, health providers and more. Sitting at multiple community tables and working along side the Region and Ministry have lead us to the knowledge and understanding on how to build a collaborative, cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary team.

Our supports and services include but are not limited to:

  • Organizational workshops on the developmental service sector for staff or population served

  • School Board navigation, transition planning and advocacy.

  • Assistance and guidance on how to add value to existing programs

  • Increase visibility in the community through in-person, media tools or virtual means

  • Person Directed Planning and Facilitation

Call us to discuss your organizations individual needs and we can work together to on how we may best support the development of your programs or tools to enhance your current offerings and knowledge.

Let’s Connect

For more information on how we can work together to operationalize these key outcomes and fulfil your vision and mission please connect with us!