About Kim Machete


Kim, Brooklyn, Brody, and Ryan


I would like to take this opportunity to share my journey, my path, my story that has lead me to you.

It was Remembrance Day and I was in the forth grade at my elementary school where I sat in a gymnasium filled with my peers, laughing and carrying on when in an instant a hush fell over the crowd and the most beautiful song came on which was accompanied by a slide show of the bravest souls fighting for our freedom, equity and peace. I was captivated and lost in the lyrics.

Fast forward 5 years later, now in the ninth grade, I come back to the same school to do a placement in a Kindergarten Class. As I walked in to the chaotic classroom I was immediately drawn to this one boy off in the corner who seemed to not even notice anything around him but was captivated by this one simple block. He studied every corner of it, every edge and jumped up and down with excitement each time he turned it in his fingers. I wanted to get into his mind to see that block the way he did. It was in that moment, without even knowing, that I started what led to my more than 25 years supporting the lives of people who identified with a disability.

I have worked as a private Respite provider supporting children with a developmental disability in their home and in their community.

I worked as a Community Connections Facilitator providing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities with a plan for recreational, educational, cultural, volunteer and even employment experience after graduation.

I worked as a Service Coordinator as well as a Service Planning coordinator for the most complex families with children who had multiple exceptionality’s build a single plan of care to ensure they lead their best lives.

Most recently I was a Manager at a children's development centre providing a central hub of information for community services, special needs resourcing and any service coordination supports.

I now have two children of my own. Not knowing what was to lay ahead, my family has now also had to walk a similar path together. It’s not an easy path or even a straight well marked path. After being in the field for over 25 years and more recently walking that path in a parents shoes I realized I could do more, I needed to do more. I need to be there for those families who don’t know where to start, who have a child recently diagnosed and just need someone to reach out and guide them. I need to be there for those parents who’s children continually fall through those cracks. I need to be there to support in guiding them down their path and being there if they need that hand to support them on the walk. There may not be a clear beginning or end to this path but what I will do is walk it with you.

Welcome to Imagine Consultations.

Why “Imagine” you ask? Well that’s easy, my path began with that assembly in grade four with those lyrics in my head and has brought me here today with the understanding that If you can imagine it, you can accomplish it. It may not be in a way that you expected or even a way you hoped but if I can even have one small part in supporting your journey, your pathway and have it be your choice, my dream has been met.


“You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one.”

— John Lennon

What People Are Saying


Kim has a wealth of knowledge about community services, is family centred in all of her work and is an absolute pleasure to collaborate with!

— Social Worker, Peel Region

Thanks to Kim's knowledge, compassion, and guidance, my children are on successful paths, and living their best lives possible! She has been a voice of calm in my life of chaos!



It all began with my little boy and her big heart. A heart that believes, a heart that beats for the rights and betterment of others, the heart of Kim Machete. And there is no stopping her determination to advocate and change lives. I should know, she did it for us, 25 years strong!


Accomplishments & Awards

Certified Instructor, Non Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NVCPI)
Past Speaker, United Way of Peel - Speakers Bureau
Presenter, Ontario Association for Community Living Annual Conference
Recipient, Reach for the Rainbow - Gift of Belonging Award

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