Family & Individual Consulting

Support for families, children, and individuals including Person Directed Planning and Facilitation services.

Family & Individual Consulting

Facilitation for anyone who identifies with a disability:

  • ·        All ages and abilities

  • ·        Transition planning

  • ·        School support and advocacy

  • Circle of support and Microboard Development

  • ·        person-centered planning including recreational, educational, cultural, employment, volunteer and more!  

FREE consultation call prior to Intake to find out if Imagine Consultations is a good fit for you.

Welcome to Imagine Consultations. After 25 years of working in the disability sector our vision stays the same. To ensure people have respected and dignified roles that they have chosen for themselves. To have every family supported regardless of their financial, geographical or diagnostic status.

A persons journey is their own. It should be built on their strengths, interests and their goals. We don’t want to raise our children to understand the world we want our world to understand our children. Sometimes all you need is someone to listen, someone to not judge based on ability, finances and diagnosis. Someone to just take the time to point you in the right direction and give you the map to get you to your final destination.

~Your path, your future, your choice!

Let’s Connect

If you need support in order to find your path, your way, reach out!