Your Path

Your Future

Your Choice

I’m an agency or organization

Click to read more on how we can support you, from workshops to private projects, system navigation, person centered and family support, and one-on-one or group support.


I’m a family or individual

Support and Services include, but are not limited to:

Facilitation, Person Directed Planning, School Transitions and Advocacy, Employment Navigation, Relationship Building, Virtual Visiting, Community Engagement, Microboard and Support Network Development.

We’d love to help.

“It all began with my little boy and her big heart. A heart that believes, a heart that beats for the rights and betterment of others, the heart of Kim Machete. And there is no stopping her determination to advocate and change lives. I should know, she did it for us, 25 years strong!”

—Mirian, Parent

Meet the Team

With a combined 35 years of expienerce in the field of Disability Supports, Kim and Ryan Machete come with a vast knowledge and passion around supporting people to reach their individual goals, reach their full potential and live a life that they have imagined.

  • Owner/Operator

    Facilitator~ Person Directed Planner

  • Owner/Operator
    Transitions Facilitator

Meet Kim Machete.


Follow our journey.


Our partner in planning

P4P empowers people with disabilities and their families with FREE resources to create meaningful lives and secure futures, firmly rooted in community.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.“ ~ Henry Ford